Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream...

Life tastes Vanilla.
No chocolate not even swirl.
Sprinkles on Fridays.


Master Splinter said...

Dear Mister Coover
Haiku canon still applies
Please remove error

Mr. Coover said...

Interesting mystery,
extraordinary actually.
Deliberately different.

Mr. Coover said...

Favorite flavors are
virtually every man's foil.
Replace with caramel.

Average consensus:
Dictionary dot com says
"chawk-lit" is valid.

Master Splinter said...

Dear Mister Coover
Eighteen syllables remain
Please improve grammar

Mr. Coover said...

Life tastes Van-nil-la =5
No "chawk-lit" not ev-en swirl =7
Sprik-les on Fri-days =5

Mr. Coover said...

Return to sender;
No such number, no such zone.
Even Elvis knew.

Master Splinter said...

Your love for Adverb
and its queer cousin - Gerund
Portents your demise

Mr. Coover said...

Adverbs=Spice of Life
Embrace their power to change.
A rock to ROCK OUT!

Gerund on this page?
No. Participle? Yes sir.
Fourth grade: Chapter Three.

Master Splinter said...

Your love of Gerund,
that sordid affair of camp,
is infamous, sir.

Writing with symbols,
which syllabary has not,
is cowardice, sir.